On Sat, 2023-02-04 at 10:04 +0100, Dan Wilcox wrote:
> Do you have callbacks enabled? If so, disable the checkbox in the
> audio dialog.

So what's the deal with Callbacks on CoreAudio/macOS? On all the
combinations of Pd version and macOS version I tried, funny things
happen with callbacks enabled. Are there situations when using
callbacks  (on CoreAudio) bring any benefit? If so, what are those
situations? I think I understand how callbacks affect the interaction
between Pd and JACK when using JACK, but it's a bit opaque to me what
their purpose is when using CoreAudio. On Jack, using callbacks makes
Pd not add any additional latency on top of JACK's own latency. So,
which latency critical applications, I was hoping to affect latency in
similar way by using callbacks with CoreAudio.

Once I touch the callback toggle, I see Pd's CPU usage jumping to 100%
and there is no way to make go back. Even when I send `@callback 0`
using the mediasettings library, things go havoc. Once in that state,
it cannot be undone by toggling callback (or sending '@callback 1,
@callback 0' to [audiosettings]). Only a restart of Pd helps.

Is it expected that Pd uses 100% of core with callbacks enabled? Or
should I report a bug? What's the supposed benefit of that toggle?



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