I've been using the "midi2sco" program to convert MIDI files to csound scores and then either reading the csound straight into a text object (read -c message so end-of-line terminates lists) - and/or writing simple awk scripts to change csound pitch notation back into MIDI pitches and convert times to milliseconds.



On 4/22/23 12:57, Christof Ressi wrote:
You can read the MIDI file with [mrpeach/midifile], output everything in a loop and save the MIDI messages in a [text] object. You just need to calculate the appropriate time delta between messages.


On 22.04.2023 07:46, Peter P. wrote:

starting to use [text sequence] instead of [qlist] more and more, I am
wondering how difficult it might be to write an external script that
converts .mid file into .txt usable by [textfile sequence]?

Has anyone attempted something similar already? What would be the
easiest language and/or libraries to do this on DebianGNU Linux?


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