Dear PeeringDB User,

April is the month in which PeeringDB holds its annual meeting and board 

A corporation, limited liability company, partnership or other legal 
business entity may be a member of the PeeringDB corporation. Membership 
is determined by having both an active account and an 
individual representative or role subscription to the PeeringDB Governance 
mailing list:

Information on the pdb-gov mailing list, along with a form for 
subscription, is at that web site.

To get a sense of the traffic level (it is low) and review past 
discussions, the archives are publicly available:

If your organization is interested in PeeringDB governance or simply want 
to vote in the upcoming election, please subscribe to the pdb-gov mailing 
list as required. The voter registration forms will be sent to pdb-gov in 

Questions and concerns welcome.

Chris Caputo
PeeringDB Secretary


Date: Sun, 1 Apr 2018 04:56:43 +0000 (UTC)
From: Chris Caputo <>
Subject: [PDB Gov] Call for candidates for Board of Directors of PeeringDB & 
Member mtg reminder

This is a call for candidates for the Board of Directors of PeeringDB.

 - The second half of April, there will be an election for the Board of 
   Directors. Like the last election, will be used, along 
   with Single-Transferable-Vote (STV). The STV results table will be part 
   of the election results.

 - Candidacies along with max 300 word statements should be submitted to prior to April 15th. Anyone can run for 
   election to the Board.

The organization documents (Articles, Bylaws, etc), Board meeting minutes, 
and finances, are up at:

There are 5 positions on the Board of Directors, 2 of which are up for 
election this year. A Director term is 2 years.

Election dates are UTC. Candidates must submit their name and maximum 300 
word statement, as determined by the POSIX "LANG=en_US.UTF-8 wc -w" 
command, by April 14th 23:59:59 UTC 2018.

A voter's guide containing the current list of candidates and statements, 
sorted alphabetically by last name, will be kept updated at:

Candidates may revise their statements until the April 15th UTC cut-off. 

Please submit your candidacy or questions/concerns to Note that for the month of April, email to goes to Chris Caputo and election observer Steve 

Discussion/questions/concerns also welcome on

Chris Caputo
Secretary, PeeringDB

PS: The April Member Meeting agenda is below.

** Notice of the Annual Meeting of PeeringDB - Thursday April 19th, 2018 at 
1600-1700 UTC

** The meeting will be held online as follows:

   - Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) or call in using your 

        Australia: +61 2 9087 3604 
        Austria: +43 7 2081 5427 
        Belgium: +32 28 93 7018 
        Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391 
        Denmark: +45 32 72 03 82 
        Finland: +358 923 17 0568 
        France: +33 170 950 594 
        Germany: +49 692 5736 7317 
        Ireland: +353 15 360 728 
        Italy: +39 0 247 92 13 01 
        Netherlands: +31 207 941 377 
        New Zealand: +64 9 280 6302 
        Norway: +47 21 93 37 51 
        Spain: +34 932 75 2004 
        Sweden: +46 853 527 836 
        Switzerland: +41 225 4599 78 
        United Kingdom: +44 330 221 0088
        United States: +1 (571) 317-3129 

        Access Code: 463-165-525 

        Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting

** The meeting will be recorded.

** Bylaws and important docs are posted at

** Please contact if you have additional agenda 


 - Call To Order - Aaron Hughes

 - Welcome & Thanks - Aaron Hughes

 - Approval of minutes from previous meeting - Aaron Hughes

 - Financial Update & Call For Sponsors - Chris Caputo

 - Admin Committee Update - Arnold Nipper

 - Operations Committee Update - Job Snijders

 - Product Committee Update - Eric Loos

 - Items brought up by the members / Technical and Policy Questions & 

 - Encourage Voting in Board Election - Aaron Hughes

 - Adjourn
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