Thaks Ed,
I modified conv2d as you suggested. The result became a CDouble, but
the imaginary part disappeared. I could fix it by also changing the
init_vars line (around l. 270), removing the variable tmp, which was
declared as a double, and declaring it just before the start of the
broadcastloop using
    $GENERIC() tmp;
However, as I'm not familiar with init_vars, init_map, etc., I'm not
sure what I did is correct. I checked with a few examples that it works for
complex array with real mask, real array with complex mask, and complex
array with complex mask.

On Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 05:31:01PM +0000, Ed . wrote:
> Hi Luis,
> For backward compatibility, operations default to supporting all real types, 
> which is why you’re getting LDouble (the highest-numbered real type, but 
> still below the complex ones). To make the various Image* operations work on 
> native complex values, they just need telling to do so.
> Could you try patching Libtmp/Image2D/image2d.pd with this at the top 
> (cribbed from Basic/Ops/ops.pd) before the pp_addpm:
> my $A = [ppdefs_all];
> Then add “GenericTypes => $A” to at least the pp_def of conv2d, around line 
> 266?
> Please let us know if that works (you’d need to do a “make install”, or else 
> a “make basic” then “perl -Mblib”). If it does, feel like 
> PR-ing an update for all the Image* modules in Libtmp? :-)
> Best regards,
> Ed
> From: Luis Mochan<>
> Sent: 15 August 2022 17:39
> To: perldl<>; 
> perldl<>
> Subject: [Pdl-general] conv2d
> Hello,
> I tried to use conv2d from PDL::Image2D to make a simple average, as in
>     $z->conv2d(ones(3,3))/9;
> to take the arithmetic average a pixel with its neareast
> neighbors. However, what I want to average is a component of an
> electric field which is complex valued. It turns out that conv2d
> doesn't work on complex quantities and the result I obtained was of
> the LDouble type. Having looked further yet.
> Regards,
> Luis
> --
>                                                                   o
> W. Luis Mochán,                      | tel:(52)(777)329-1734     /<(*)
> Instituto de Ciencias Físicas, UNAM  | fax:(52)(777)317-5388     `>/   /\
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