I was going to suggest enabling the debug option
by setting $ExtUtils::F77::DEBUG = 1 before the
use ExtUtils::F77 but while that worked for my
installed version 1.20 it generated no useful
output from the version 1.23.

My 1.20 version did not show any extra quotations.
If you regress to version 1.20 do things work again?

If you set $DB::single = 1 before the use ExtUtils::F77
line and run your script under the debugger, you should be
able to step through the code to see where the values are
being generated.


On 2/17/2019 20:11, Luis Mochan wrote:
I just upgraded my perl to 5.28.1, reinstalled all my modules
(including PDL and ExtUtils::F77), and when I try to Build one of my
packages I get and error as the following:
     # process_pd_files
     # provides....lib/Photonic/ExtraUtils.pd
     Loaded ExtUtils::F77 version 1.23
     Building Photonic
     cc -shared -O2 -L/usr/local/lib -fstack-protector-strong -o 
blib/arch/auto/Photonic/ExtraUtils/ExtraUtils.so lib/Photonic/ExtraUtils.o 
"-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8"  -L/usr/lib -lgfortran -lm fortran/cgtsl.o 
     cc: error: "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8": No such file or directory
     cc: error: : No such file or directory
     error building blib/arch/auto/Photonic/ExtraUtils/ExtraUtils.so from 
lib/Photonic/ExtraUtils.o at 
 line 332.

If I compile manually

     cc ... "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8"  -L/usr/lib -lgfortran -lm 
fortran/c gtsl.o fortran/dgtsl.o

I don't get the error. Thus, I believe that the error has to do with
the quotation marks around  "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8". I
tried debugging the Build script  to find where do these quotations
come from, and found they seem to come from ExtUtils::F77:

     $ perl -MExtUtils::F77 -E 'say ExtUtils::F77->runtime'
     Loaded ExtUtils::F77 version 1.23
     "-L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/8"  -L/usr/lib -lgfortran -lm

Is this a bug in ExtUtils::F77? How can I get rid of the quotes "" so
my package can be compiled automatically? I'll aprecciate any advice.

Best regards,

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