Thanks! This is great news!

On Fri, Apr 16, 2021 at 06:07:40PM +0000, Ed . wrote:
> Dear PDL folks,
> PDL 2.037 has just been uploaded to CPAN. Key features since the last 
> announcement:
>   *   New type qualifiers for pp_def Pars: “real” and “complex”, motivated by 
> PDL::FFTW3 so it can return the real or complex version of the input 
> floating-point data type (so “real” = cfloat->float, “complex” = 
> float->cfloat, etc) as necessary
>   *   Bad value support is now always on, and no longer configurable to off, 
> which simplified a fair bit of code
>   *   To help with maximum reproducibility, support for ~/.perldl.conf has 
> been removed (and the whole perldl.conf will go away in due course)
>   *   pthread detection now works better, and works on MacOS and Windows
>   *   GenericTypes in pp_def functions defaults if not specified to only the 
> real datatypes, for backwards-compatibility; functions have to “opt in” by 
> specifying complex datatypes
>   *   The Proj4 modules work again, by using the CPAN Alien::Proj4 module – 
> needed because general Linux distributions now package versions of proj that 
> are not compatible with v4 anymore
>   *   Makefile.PL only prints when things don’t work/aren’t available, which 
> makes developing nicer
> As usual, please give it a try and let me/us know of any problems.
> Next steps:
>   *   I intend to permanently enable the “badval per pdl” feature, and also 
> incorporate the ability to use NaN as the badvalue, so those two 
> configuration options will also disappear
>   *   I intend to stop calling PDL objects “piddles”, because that’s terribly 
> unclear what it actually means, and update all the docs to call them 
> “ndarrays”
>   *   Similarly, I intend to rename “threading” to “broadcasting” to 
> eliminate unnecessary confusion
>   *   oodler577 on the #pdl channel is helping towards PDL supporting OpenMP
>   *   Better integration of native complex numbers
> Thoughts welcome on any and all of the above!
> Best regards,
> Ed

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