
On Mon, May 31, 2021 at 11:20:47PM +0000, Ed . wrote:
> Dear PDL folks,
> PDL 2.049 has just been released. Notable changes:
> Matrix stuff:
> - MatrixOps::identity now preserves higher dims on multi-dim input
> - MatrixOps::lu_decomp now preserves inplace flag on input
> - MatrixOps::lu_backsub now gets output dims right including inplace - thanks 
> @wlmb for report
> Complex numbers:
> - PDL::Complex->from_native / as_native
> - parse simple complex-number strings e.g. ‘[1+i 2-3i]’
> - replace PDL::Complex stringification with native-complex version
> - PDL::r2C able to take Perl scalars
> - add PDL::i2C
> - replace creal, cimag with re, im, for easier PDL::Complex -> native 
> transition
> - change default r2C and i2C input types to D from F
> - add czip($re, $im) -> native complex
> - i() as function (not constant) like nan()
> - ci() removed
> - add abs2
> - pdl([native-complex]) now creates a native-complex ndarray
> - sumover/prodover now also process native complex
> - comparing PDL::Complex and native complex other than for equality now a 
> fatal error, can == with real
> - PDL::Complex slices that affect 0-th dim get re-blessed as PDL
> - PDL::Complex can assign real values and threading won't also assign to imag
> - PDL::Constants only loads PDL::Complex on demand
> General stuff:
> - copy now copies ndarray and leaves original ndarray's inplace alone
> - SvPDLV gives more comprehensible error if given a hash without "PDL" key
> - Inline now not a dep but if installed gets updated to suitable version
> - new pdlperl.h for Perl-specific functions/macros
> - $PDL::undefval can be ndarray
> - overloading now done in PDL::Ops/Primitive where functions defined
> - overloading honours subclass methods
> As usual, please give it a try and report problems.
> Best regards,
> Ed

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