Title: Test message -- trying to eliminate HTML from Outlook 97

Hi all,

Thank you Cy, Bill R., Shel, Aaron, Glenn, and Frits for alerting me that my posts from MS Outlook 97 are showing up with embedded HTML.  I think you guys are on UNIX servers which do not properly handle MIME.  I'm going to try two possible solutions -- one solution in this test message, and a different solution in a subsequent test message.  Would you once again be so kind as to let me know if you see any embedded HTML code in either of the test messages?

This first message is sent in MIME format, but with the "Plain Text" option explicitly specified.  Do you see any HTML?  Do you see an 1864-byte JPEG thumbnail attached below?

[Apologies to the rest of you with MIME-compliant readers.  I'd have included "OT" in the subject line, but I didn't know how the filters are set on these fellows' mail readers, and I really wanted to make sure nobody is seeing any embedded HTML.  Getting this problem fixed will allow me to send more readable messages with my Pentax questions/comments to the UNIX-based folks on the list.]


Bill Peifer
Rochester, NY



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