In a message dated 1/25/2001 1:46:23 PM US Eastern Standard Time, 

> Hi! Please look through your family vacation pictures and see what 
> percentage
>  [approximate] of the pictures were taken with [a] Wide angle lenses below 
>  mm [b] 50 to 100mm lenses and [c] above 100 mm lenses. If you are using 
>  what zoom range you use most? In my case most pictures were taken with wide
>  angel lenses. With thanks. 

Looking through more than three decades of vacation photos is a tall order. I 
can give you a very rough estimate for whatever it is worth. About 25% are 
wider than 50 with well over half of those at 28 or wider. Maybe 20% were 
taken in the 50-100 range. The remainder, obviously, fall into the 100+ 
range. For better or worse, I tend to drift toward the "more is less" theory.
Ed Matthew in Indianapolis
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