William Robb wrote:

> Also, if you can find yourself 
> a nice Deardorff, that would be
> very good .... 

Yadda yadda yadda and blah blah blah.  You guys are all a bunch
a wuses.   This evening, after getting sick of lookin' at 35mm
negatives, worrying about grain, and deciding which of my
hundreds of Pentax lenses and dozens of bodies I'd want to use
for a given shot, I decided to take the plunge.  I'll be selling
all my Pentax gear to pay  for ... ta da! a P&S system.  Yes, ya
heard me right, and ya heard it here first.  I am totally and
ultimately enabled!

THE CAMERA:  All wood, hand-held 8x10 P&S.  This is one sweet
camera, yessiree!


But wait, there's more.  I just grabbed a DeVere 8x10H enlarger
with 2000 watt dichroic head, 8x10 negative carrier, 300mm
Schneider Componon, 150 & 60mm Rodenstock Rodagon lenses, (4)
spare lens mounts, & 25 feet of track, and moved that sukka into
my basement and am ready to make enlargements the size of a city
block.  Here are some pics, taken with my cheesy, plastic
digital P&S camera, which I will soon toss into the trash:


So while the rest of you are patting each other on the back,
congratulating yourselves on the latest plastic Wunderlenz you
just went into hock for, or are creaming your jeans over that
77mm ltd, I'm suckin' all the juice from the California power
grid makin' grainless, wall-sized prints on rolls of paper
delivered by rail carrier.   No more B&H, I now call Southern
Pacific for my photographic needs. 

Shel Belinkoff
"The difference between a good photograph 
and a great photograph is subtleties."
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