
Please disregard my previous post - standard mode is when the image 
shows after downloading, and progresive is when it is shown line-by-
line from top to bottom. No question in this case - I assume that 
everybody prefers the second (progresive) option and it is the 
smaller one.

Sorry for confusion - I was confused myself by small "helping" 
animations presenting these two modes in Paint Shop Pro.

-- Shot

-----------------------------------------------> http://shot.prv.pl/
GCS/CC/IT/O d- s:>+: a-->? C++(+++) ULS P+ L(+) W++>$ N>++ w(--)
PS+(++) PGP- t 5 X- R tv- b++>+++ DI D G++ e>* h-->--- r++>+++ y+**
---------------------> Geek Code Decoder: http://www.ebb.org/ungeek/
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