Thanks for the replies

I wrote to Japan in September and have not had any reply. The address I used

The Director
Service Department (International)
Asahi Optical Co. ltd
11-1, Nagata-cho 1-chome
Tokyo 100

Maybe anyone knows a better address?

I wrote to amateur photographer in November - same letter as below, but they
will not print it as a matter of policy. However they said they would
contact Pentax. I haven't heard anything.

I'll try the pentaxuser website as suggested.

If anyone's got any addresses I could write to I'd be greatful.



----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Walkden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 8:25 PM
Subject: Re: pentax UK repair dept


sorry to hear you had such a bad time with them. I've never used their
services (?) so can't help much there. However, you might also like to
share your complaints with the Pentax User club and magazine, who are at

I would also suggest you keep some of the print magazines, including
Amateur Photographer, informed as this will be of considerable
interest to their readership. I'd also write to the
professionally-oriented press. A lot of professionals still use LXs,
and won't be too happy to know that they might be treated this way.

Finally, it wouldn't do any harm at all to let Pentax Japan know what
is being done in their name.



Sunday, December 8, 2002, 6:45:50 PM, you wrote:

> hi

> I have used Pentax cameras for 25 years. In July this year I sent my
immaculate and recently purchased Pentax LX to Pentax UK to repair a loose
DoF button.  It was returned to me in with a large
> dent on the prism, which could only have resulted from a very forceful
impact and paint scraped back to the metal from all the edges.  The
packaging in which it was posted was in pristine condition
> (I still have it) and the camera clearly had been in this damaged
condition when it was packed by the Pentax UK repair department.

> While the damage could be cosmetically repaired, it is difficult to asses
what longer-term malfunctions might ensue from a blow of this severity. So,
after an exchange of correspondence with Mr
> Brian Light, Director at Pentax UK I received a letter from their Mr Jetha
apologising and stating that Pentax UK would replace my camera with another
of comparable quality to its pre-damage
> condition (mint-).

> I had returned my camera to Pentax to enable their assessment.  I was
therefore shocked to receive a further letter from them saying that they had
repaired my camera and were returning it to me. I
> had previously specifically and repeatedly refused my consent to this
procedure, in writing.  The camera duly arrived in the post, with the strap
and its attachment clips missing.

> I wrote to Pentax, with copies to all directors and relevant personnel, to
complain about this, and to request the return of my carrying strap and its
attachment clips, which they promised to do by
> phone and in a letter, weeks ago, but which have still not been returned.
I have received no reply at all to my complaint except a note denying any
and all responsibility. Further letters have
> received no reply. A post repair valuation of my camera shows that it has
lost £700 in value due to its damage history.  The loss of the strap + clips
means I cannot carry it outside.

> I mentioned this to my local dealer, Jessops of Lancaster and was amazed
to learn that a camera they had sent to Pentax UK recently had also been
returned with a dent in the lens, again clearly the
> result of a heavy impact.  They had also received no satisfaction from
Pentax and have provided documentary evidence to this effect.

> I am writing to discover if other customers of the Pentax UK repair
department have experienced similar difficulties. I have copies of all
correspondence and pictures of the damage.

> Jeff Woodman

> Tel: 01524 33410
> 11 Regent St

> Lancaster LA1 1SG
> UK

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