Okay, I mentioned previously that I bought a PDMLer's MZ-5n. Also included was the 
28-70mm AF/Al Autofocus lens. I've played with it a bit and don't particularly like 
its "feel" (sheesh, now I sound like the rest of you!). I shot one role (not back yet) 
all autofocus to see how it worked. I also didn't particulary like using autofocus 
(made me feel like I wasn't doing anything). So I put on the 50mm f/2.0 I bought on 
ebay and played with it. Little focusing square in the view finder and beep beep.

Actually, that's another question, how does that focus confirmation work? Well, I mean 
how well? Can I rely on it? I *was* having problems focusing the focusing ring in the 
K-1000's viewfinder -- older and nearsighted I found it a bit hard. If I *can* rely on 
the autofocus confirmation then maybe a Manual or A lens would do me...

I don't want to spend a lot more money right now and there is no hurry on this answer, 
because I probably won't buy another lens until January or something.

As people maybe can tell from my Dec. PUG submission, there are a lot of animals 
around here and I want a telephoto lens or zoom. Probably zoom. Big bucks on prime 
lenses can come later. Basically what I want to do right now is cover as many focal 
lengths as possible with just three lenses.

So I want a telephoto zoom that goes to 200 or a telephoto prime that maybe is 200 or 
300. I want to round out my lens kits so I can shoot animals fairly close up.

And I want to do all that for about $100 (so good primes are out). And weight is a 
factor. Not too heavy.

I am all at sea. I've looked at the 70-200 AF autofocus (several going on ebay). But 
that would be the same as the 28-70, I might not like the feel. 

A non-Pentax lens would be okay too, if it was considered a good one. I've gotten 
confused about what people consider good non-Pentax lenses. Silgor? Tokina? Vivitar 
Series 1?

To recap I have:
Albinar 28-80mm Manual zoom lens (which I will dump later)
Pentax 70-200mm AF Autofocus lens
Pentax 50mm f/2.0 Manual

And I am wondering which telephoto (to 200) or prime (to 200 or 300) that I might get. 
One which I won't have to pay more than $100 for (or much more than that). Pentax or 
other brand. (Don't want much, do I?)

All At Sea here, suggestions welcome.

Doe aka Marnie  Maybe, for now, the Pentax 70-200 autofocus is the best choice. Sorry 
I couldn't be more concise.

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