----- Original Message -----
From: J. C. O'Connell
Subject: RE: Re[2]: A new DSLR standard emerging? (WAS: Re:
Nikon DX lenses: Is this what Pentax is up to?)

> > Pro 35mm
> > photography has never been about the best possible quality
so why
> > should it be now?
> >
> > Pål
> >
> HUH? I know the main points of PRO 35mm Gear has been
reliability and
> durability, but image quality is right up there for pros in
> too.

Wrongo, me boy.
A pro using 35mm only has already compromised his quality.
Whats happened is that over the past few decades, consumers have
been taught to lower their expectations WRT image quality.
Pros call it different things, like "reportage style"
photography, but the end result is crap pictures.
My parents wedding photography was done on large format.
That was the standard of the day, and the photographer used a
5x7 camera for some images, and an 8x10 camera for other images.
When compared to the shit most wedding photographers are
churning out these days, modern 35mm photography is bottom
feeding hack status work at best.
Then they have the gaul to toss a copyright on their garbage,
and try to make the client pay gobs of money for it.
A pro truly interested in making a quality job will be using
medium format whenever possible.

William Robb

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