Mine should be arriving any day now...
Somebody here on the PDML (Dan Scott I think) bought one a few weeks back, and posted a link to some sample pictures taken with the lens.
I honestly don't expect too much out of the lens as far as sharpness and contrast, but for use as a portrait lens, and for the $35 I paid for mine, it's not unexpected.
If it arrives before the end of next week, I'll be doing some portrait shots with it over the holidays.


Artur Ledóchowski wrote:
I wonder if anyone has any experience with this lens. I think of it as a
portrait lens, of course - at least untill I have enough money to get one of
the Pentax 85mm's (or the 77mm Ltd). I expect flare control not to be great
(although if it isn't worse than that of the Mir-20M 20mm f/3,5 then I can
live with it) but how about the overall sharpness and contrast?

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