I hope 519172 doesn't think he's getting an f/1.2 lens, as the ad
says! He isn't! It's a quite ordinary f/2.0 lens...
He paid U.S. equivalent of $30, and while not bad, it's not quite a
bargain...especially with the fungus, which would indeed have required
complete disassembly and soaking to get rid of it...

keith whaley

> Cotty,
> I don't think so...
> Is there any difference between mildew and fungus?  I don't think so!
> "It's gone now and doesn't seem to affect picture quality."  I don't think so!
> If you really want one, tell me off line and I'll look over here for you.
> M50/2 are pertty cheap.
> Regards,  Bob S.
> > I was watching this but forgot about it while (bullied into) making the
> >  dinner tonight:
> >
> >  http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1944242163
> >
> >  was that a bargain?
> >
> >  What are the chances the mildew would return? Would it have needed a
> >  strip down and CLA?
> >
> >  Cheers,
> >
> >  Cotty

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