> 1. A 98% or 100% viewfinder with good "snap" for easy manual focusing

I really wanted #1 (or part of) for the MZ-S, but I was told that to get
100% it was expensive, like doubling the cost.  I can see why Pentax didn't
bother with it given their market.  Too bad.  Not sure what you mean by snap
with manual focus.

> 7. Non-resetting ISO

Can you explain this further and why it's a problem?

> No matter WHAT an AF LX would look like, there would still be people who
> would find fault with it, be disappointed with it, or loudly complain that
> it is missing the one essential feature they wanted. Designing cameras
> be a pretty thankless task.

So true.  It no doubt is a very thankless task.  I suppose that is why we
have other companies to choose from.  My worry is everyone is so pumped
about a Pentax DSLR, and it won't be want they expected after all this time,
or not quite good enough, or too good (making it too expensive)

I also wanted one 'cheap' addition, dropping the finder cap and putting in a
switch you can toggle to block the viewfinder.  I didn't get that either.
But, all in all, I'm very happy with my camera and the rest of my gear.

> --Mike

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