Merely the vagracies of the internet. It probably routed the long way to
you. There are e-mail test programs that bounce mail of of test sites around
the world. I have had replies from Australia in a minute, from the next
large town in three days.

Internet is not a big old pool that some folks seem to thing. It is a relay
system. Short route may be from your computer to your ISP modem server, to
your ISP mail server to PDML mail server and back along the same route. But
just as likely it goes from your ISP mail server to some relay server, to
some relay server 1/2 way around the world to some other relay server to
PDML server and back some other equally complicated but different route.
Seems strange, I know, but it is set up that way so the internet can not be
blocked by a simple outage, even a mass outage in some area. Unfortunately
your ISP does not have multiple routes to your computer. That is the weak
link in the chain.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pat White" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 1:24 AM
Subject: Re: P67 does 2003 Pirelli calendar

> Strange.  I posted this item five hours ago, and it still doesn't appear
> my screen, although there have been five replies, and they appear on the
> screen.
> Does it look like my ISP is really slow, or is this typical?  It seems odd
> to me.  Any idea what might cause this?
> Pat White

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