-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: Mark Roberts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
-- Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2002 12:34 PM
-- Christian Skofteland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-- >On Thursday 19 December 2002 02:51, Dan Scott wrote:
-- >>
-- >> Picture the grey sea snake with the white pearl finish...gives you
-- >> goose bumps, eh?
-- >>
-- >> Do it.
-- >>
-- >> Dan Scott :-)
-- >
-- >And don't forget to buy your clear lucite platform shoes with live 
-- >goldfish....  and a big floppy hat......  and mabe a long 
-- white fur coat..... 
-- > and a zebra striped shirt....  and a cane.....
-- Whaddya mean *buy* that stuff???
-- Doesn't everyone have those items in their wardrobe already?!
-- -- 
-- Mark Roberts
-- Photography and writing
-- www.robertstech.com

This reinforces why you are great to hang out with...

Panama City, Florida

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