Arnold Stark wrote:

> However, the F* lens has one disadvantage, too: To switch from auto
> focus to manual focus and vice versa, pulling/pushing the ring on the
> lens is not sufficient, the focus switch on the camera must be
> operated, too. On the FA* lens, pushing/pulling the focusing ring is
> sufficient. 

Yes, that's my only complaint about the F* lens.  Apart from that its a 
top performer.  I would probably be disturbed by the size of the tripod 
mount but the last owner of my lens had it reduced a bit.

I would be very interested in seeing an experiment to see whether the 
tripod shoe on the F* lens really is necessary.  I tested my F* lens 
against my A* lens but as the optics are different I can't draw 
conclusions about the tripod mount.


- Dave

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