Użytkownik mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisał:

>Artur asked if anyone spoke Polish. My answer - male. Which
>doesn't read correctly without the proper characters.

I think I understand it w/o the proper character:)

>Mishka wrote:
>> Rozmowiam troche -- zaraz slucham Czerwone Gitary :)
>So you have obviously never heard SBB, who would blow them off
>the stage.

Maybe you speak Polish just a little, but apparently understand a lot:) Yes, I like 
SBB too. 
Some say there were two main music streams in the seventies: one led by The Beatles 
and the other led by the Rolling Stones. Czerwone Gitary and for example Trzy Korony 
rather belong to the former, while SBB, Blackout etc.. belong to the latter (which I 


Nice nickname:))


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