Respectfully disagree.  The web is huge, learning what's available
and what's not is a frightening waste of time.  Seeing what you
need on Ebay for a few bucks can be worthwhile even if free elsewhere.


"Gary L. Murphy" wrote:
> On Wed, 25 Dec 2002 22:07:15 -0500, Paul Stenquist wrote:
> Well, if they do bid on it, I would guess that Barnum was correct...
> >Every time I peruse the Pentax offerings on ebay I see this: "Pentax 6x7
> >instruction manuals. Wow! Must see!" Or Pentax LX manual or Pentax MX
> >manual. All from the same guy" fashiondejavu. It just pisses me off to
> >no end. He's charging people good money for manuals that Pentax provides
> >for free. All he does is send the Acrobat pdf file. The same file you
> >can download on the Pentax site. I'm starting to watch to see if people
> >actually bid on this crap. If they do, I'm going to e-mail them and tell
> >them where to get it for free. I hope you'll do the same.

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