In a message dated 12/29/2002 12:17:55 PM Eastern Standard Time, 

> I can honestly say I have *never* paid the slightest attention to any of the
> so-called "rules" of composition. Looking at pictures, the "rule of thirds"
> is no more valid than the "rule of fourths" or the "rule of 
> fifths" or any
> other fraction.

Just my .02 cents. As an art major in college in my younger years, I took quite a few 
art classes from an early age on. Never heard of the "rule of thirds" in any of my art 
classes. So that that is a famous art rule that artists have been learning and using 
for centuries is a myth (sure some may have used it back when, but it is not commonly 
taught). OTOH, budding artists are encouraged not to be symmetrical, because symmetry 
indicates a novice (dead centering is what novices tend to do if unchecked) and can be 
boring. While non-symmetry can add dynamic tension. But again that is not a rule, just 
an encouragement.

And all rules are made to be broken.

Doe aka Marnie 

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