I sent this before, and it didn't seem to make it, so I'm going to try
again (I _think_ I've noticed new posts of mine not showing up before, but
I'm unsure)


Well, its either an A150/3.5 or an A120/4 macro or something I've never
heard of that has no listing in any 645 system I've seen. I figure if its
teh 150, I got an average deal, and if its the 120 macro I got a fabulous
deal.. I've never taken a chance like this before, so it'll be interesting
ot see if I've got a steal or if I've been foolish.

Anyone care to offer input? (I found this lens 30 some minutes before
close, and right as I was leaving work, I didn't have alot of time to try
and compare pictures)

http://www.infotainment.org       <->     more fun than a poke in your eye.
http://www.eighteenpercent.com    <->     photography and portfolio.

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