David Brooks wrote:
> THAT got my attention :)
> And a happy New Year to you AND all the list members.
> Its been almost 2 years now since i have subscribed to this list and
> at least once a month if not more,i have learned something of
> value.I truly believe my abilities have grown since March 2001,and
> thanks for putting up with,what i'm sure are, luney questions from
> time to time.

True, but you never DID get your space bar or shift key repaired, did
you?  <g>

Have a happy holiday week, David.

keith whaley
> Thanks all,and may all your shutters be tuned.
> Dave
> ---- Begin Original Message ----
> From: Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tue, 31 Dec 2002 20:08:24 +0000
> To: "Pentax List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Golden Pentax DSLR Geometry Pro Film Civilisation in 2003
> Catchy subject line, eh?
> Just adding my voice to the chorus. Here's wishing you a prosperous
> New
> Year, wherever and whoever you are.
> <party hat on>
> Cotty
> ____________________________________
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> ---- End Original Message ----
> Pentax User
> Stouffville Ontario Canada
> "Art needs to be in a frame.That way we know when the art
> stops and the wall begins"--Frank Zappa
> http://home.ca.inter.net/brooksdj/
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