On Thu, 2 Jan 2003, Paul Eriksson wrote:
> What I got in 2002:

Wow, I wouldn't even know where to begin.. I got lots of things, some of
them useless, some of them not useless.. but most importantly, the three
items that stand out was a gifted 4x5 camera, a Pentax 645, and AF280T.
Now I can actually learn to correctly use flash and I can spend more time
learning about correct composition through the 4x5.. Well, perhaps not
more correct but, you know what I mean.

The 645? Well heck, its just cool. :)

> Plans for 2003:

-sigh- I've already STARTED.. 645->K adapter and a 645 lens which is
either a 150/3.5 or a 120/4 macro, and I refuse to find out until it
arrives at my door step. Its like Christmas, only different.

After those two? If its not the 120 macro, a set of tubes and probably a
wider 645 lens (35mm would be perfect), and then I can easily carry around
a complete 645 kit _and_ a complete 35mm kit and share most lenses. The
adapter.. what a fine concept!

http://www.infotainment.org       <->     more fun than a poke in your eye.
http://www.eighteenpercent.com    <->     photography and portfolio.

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