----- Original Message -----
From: Pål Jensen
Subject: Re: Are some photographs better than others?

> Oh my good another rule! Try to have some contents in you

Beats hell out of photographing gray cards close up.

Amazingl, isn't it. Bruce and Pål are on the same side on this
one, rather than hurling insults across the tundra at each
Just to add fire to the fuel, for myself, I have some guidelines
(rules) that I follow when taking pictures:
1) Ensure film is in camera.
2) Ensure there is something on the business side of the lens to
3) Put that something in a place in the viewfinder that looks
good to me.
4) Make sure that place isn't interfered with by other things in
the viewfinder.
5) Check the edges, and the center will look after itself.

William Robb

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