Mr. Walkden sir,

Next time I'm in town I'd like to buy you a drink! (Absynthe, perhaps?)
You don't find senses of humour like that in the states!

Bob Walkden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>me and Vince are old mates. We have a few of his here in London. Of
>particular interest to me (having at separate times had both ears
>sliced off! - and reattached, I hasten to add) are his self portraits
>with bandaged ear. Last year when I had an operation on my left ear I
>had a t-shirt printed with one of those paintings, so I could wear it
>in the ward the following morning while my own ear was similarly
>wrapped. I thought my co-patients on the ENT ward might be amused, by
>all I got was baleful stares <g>. Luckily I couldn't hear what any of
>them were saying...
>After the first operation on my right ear, after the bandages were
>taken off but while the dried blood, stitches and half-shaved head were
>still evident, I made a point of visiting the Courtauld to look at the
>Van Gogh. Caused a certain amount of discomfort among the other visitors,
>I can tell you!
> Bob  

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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