On Fri, 10 Jan 2003, Simon King wrote:

> Since we're on the subject.
> My MZ-6/ZX-L uses CR-2's, and it's eaten through two sets since I bought it
> less than a year ago. I use this body for about half of my photographs, and

        Only 2 sets of batteries in a year?  You don't shoot much :-)

        My opinion is that you soon exceed the cost of the camera
        in those CR2 batteries.  The $25 AA grips pay for themselves.
        Not only that, A set of AAs seem to run forever.


> When I bought it I didn't think it worth the money for the AA battery pack
> Fg.
> Well, I've ordered a the battery pack now. With the cost of replacing the 2
> CR2's here in Perth (AU$28) I figure it should pay for itself in about 18

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