Cotty wrote:
> Folks,
> I hereby duly apologise. I should know better but I was stupid enough to
> hit the send button before my brain engaged and prevented me. Please
> accept my humblest sorrow for initiating what must rank as a verbotten
> thread.
> For the record, I read:
> > how hard it is to use a Mac
> and for the record, I responded:
> >> This is a classic oxymoron!
> and for the record, I would just like to say that my intention was
> entirely honourable. I did not mean to denigrate anyone's choice of
> computer brand - I simply meant that Macs are not hard to use, end of
> story.
> Again, apologies.
> Tail between legs,

'S okay, Cotty. Even *I* lie like that, once in a while, if the
subject is worthwhile, and the education is important to impart...  <g>


> Cotty

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