Apple got it free.

At 10:18 AM 1/12/2003 +0100, you wrote:
What´s this? There was a law suit which Apple won and Microsoft lost.
The interface was indeed originally developed by Xerox Palo Alto Research Center but there´s nothing to indicate that Apple got it free.
All the best!
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-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: T Rittenhouse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Päivä: 12. tammikuuta 2003 2:31
Aihe: Re: Mac Blat

>Why Mike, you didn't ask my opinion, so how can it be best?
>BTW, the reason Apple could not keep Gates from using the interface is
>because they didn't invent it, Xerox did.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Mike Johnston" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, January 11, 2003 2:29 PM
>Subject: OT: Mac Blat
>> >> how hard it is to use a Mac
>> >
>> > This is a classic oxymoron!
>> Cotty,
>> Considering that "Windows" is a blatant rip-off of the Mac interface that
>> Gate's lawyers somehow weaseled him out of paying for, the ease of use of
>> _all_ computers is directly related to the ease of use of Macs. Even
>> Windows is still inferior in every way.
>> In virtually every creative field, there are true innovators, then there
>> the often rapacious, often more energetic and less principled imitators
>> follow on their heels and opportunistically appropriate the market.
>> PCs are second-rate consumer products. The Microsoft OS is third-rate. The
>> real personal computers are Macs.
>> Macs are superior products. They work better, they are more elegant, they
>> are more pleasant to work with, they're designed better. The OS is much
>> stable and elegant and the interface is far better. Even as objects they
>> much more aesthetically pleasing to have in the home. Now that so many
>> outside companies are writing software for them and Apple is no longer
>> controlling the compatibility standards, I'm finally experiencing crashes
>> my Mac. But I worked with a Mac Quadra for _six years_ at the magazine,
>> hours a day, five days a week, and guess how many crashes or freezes I
>> experienced? None. Zero. It never happened. No downtime, ever, period,
>> except one time when the starter battery on the motherboard ran dry. Try
>> that with a PC. As soon as I go 100% OSX native, I hope to reclaim that.
>> I understand that many people have to use PCs because their work demands
>> their computers are provided by their employers or their workplaces are
>> standardized on PCs, they need certain software that is only available for
>> PCs, or simply because they've always used PCs and it's difficult to
>> platforms. There are lots of good reasons for being stuck with PCs. But
>> "stuck" is the word. To me, PCs are just appliances. They betray poor
>> and a lack of aesthetic sense in their makers, if not their owners.
>> crass. I thank my lucky stars I started with Macs and I will never switch
>> unless I am absolutely forced to do so, and then I'll wait until the
>> absolute last possible moment.
>> --Mike
>> P.S. My "Sunday Morning Photographer" column two weeks from now is called
>> "The Best of 2002," in which I name a bunch of products as the best of the
>> year and discuss them--best photography book, best digital camera, best
>> enlarger, that sort of thing. Can you guess what won "Best Digital
>> Photography Computer Workstation"? I'll give you a hint--it's not a dang
>> <g>
Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
    Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

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