I know exactly where that is!
I was up there the other day. 
My daughter lives in Ben Lomond. 
>From your old place, drive east to 17, head south, then up Rt. 9 to
Ben Lomond. Middle of the redwoods.

Cotty wrote:
> Hi Keith,
> Between 1967 and 1976 I lived here:
> http://maps.yahoo.com/py/maps.py?&country=us&uz=95129&addr=bing+drive&city=
> San+Jose&state=CA&zip=95129&mag=6
> Long time ago but we left when I was 16. Very formative years. I haven't
> been back (to CA) since, but it is my plan to in a few years.
> Cheers,
> Cotty

Give a shout, and we'll tip a pint or two!


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