
Butch wrote:

>       I have the data guide AF3-102E dated C.2001. In it with the exception of NPC
>       and NPZ they all are listed as C-41/CN-16. NPZ was listed as CN-16X which I
>       have no idea how it differs from regular CN-16. I was always under the
>       impression that CN-16 and AP-70 (AGFA) were the equivalents of C-41 and the
>       3 could be used interchangeably with no real difference between them.

I just got the book on Thursday and looked up processing
(section 1.8) where it lists the processes to use on the films. 
If I look at films (section 1.1) it does indeed give
alternatives, including C41.  I just wanted WR to be aware that
I had some information that might be useful if he goes ahead
with his test - I will be rather suprised if he doesn't have it

>       Perhaps Fuji got P****D off at Kodak and left the C-41 out <VBG>

As far as I can see, Fuji will do _anything_ that turns a


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