gfen wrote:
> They're both tools. Each has its stronger points, and its weaker points.
> To not see this simple fact is to be ignorant and/or blind. For each pro
> of one system, there is a con for the other, and in the end neither is
> better or worse.

Okay, fair enough. 

Subsequent to reading the Rob Galbraith article BR pointed us to, I asked
Alienware if I can borrow an Alienware Area-51m for review. I probably can't
write the best review in the world, since my skill with PCs is much less
than my skill with Macs, but I'll get some help and then give it my best
shot if they actually send me one, and whatever I say will at least be
honest and accurate as far as it goes. I'm willing to try it. For the
record, I haven't yet gotten an eMac out of Apple to review.


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