In a message dated 1/15/2003 12:58:32 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> Thanks for the specimen shot.  As for the distinction you make
> between "swirlies" and bokeh, I'm not sure that I agree with the
> distinction (or, to be more specific, the necessity for such a
> distinction).  To me, "swirlies" still represent a form of bad bokeh
> - in other words, there are several ways that a lens can provide
> unpleasant (yes, I know that's a subjective term) out-of-focus areas
> in an image, and a bad case of "swirlies" is just one of 
> them.
> Fred

You're making an assumption that I have not made.

The circular distortion occurs at the zoom's maximum focal length. I think it might 
occur even without a shallow depth of field -- i.e. no bokeh. 

I don't have a photo illustrating that because I bought the lens for close-ups 

Anyway, when I first brought it up on this list, the consensus was that swirlies was a 
different and separate effect than just bad bokeh -- so I will go with the list's 

Later, Doe aka Marnie ;-)

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