On 22 Jan 2003 at 15:40, Keith Whaley wrote:

> Andre Langevin wrote:
> > 
> > But it's always surprising to read in many tests that even expensive
> > lenses are not perfectly centered.  Does it mean that a (good)
> > repairman could do better (afterwards) than the original lens maker
> > did at the factory?
> > 
> > Andre
> > --
> Absolutely not.
> The only person who can do that, regardless of title, is the person
> grinding the lenses to fit the various places in the lens body.
> Just like, if your optician grinds your prescription lens incorrectly,
> to fit your frames, your glasses will drive you nuts.
> So will a decent lens.

Sure they can Keith, the lens elements may be perfectly formed (stamped, 
ground, polished, laminated, coated etc) and still be de-centred. The lens 
elements (including glued pairs or groups) most often float slightly in the 
mount, the assembly (or re-assembly) is the point at which centring is 
accomplished in most designs. As far as I recall there is some blurb on the 
Leica or Schneider web sites with details.

Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours

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