G'day folks,

I'm working on gathering the stuff I need to develope B&W films, mostly Tri-X and HP5, 
perhaps Delta (does it matter?)

Anyway, since it's what I've always used, I'll go for D76 1+1 and I'm having a hard 
time deciding what to store it in, how often and long to use it before I get rid of 

I've heard the dark brownish glass flasks are the way to go, only opening it when you 
use it. How many times can D76 1+1 be re-used with good results? And how much should 
development time be extended after how many times of usage? How long can you keep the 
developer good in terms of months, on the condition of good storing?

Any comments and experiences are very much appreciated.

All the best and greetings from a happy Pentax user,


P.S. I am on no-mail, so you can either write to the list, or mail directly.

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