
> I bought a 105mm 2.5 Series One some years ago and at the time
> noticed that its publihed test performance seemed generally
> superior to the much older 90mm 2.5 Series One.

I haven't (yet) seen any test of the VS1 105/2.5.  Do you have the
details?  Or, do you at least have the publication issue

> That's to be expected with a design some 10+ years newer, a more
> complex optical design and internal "zoom" type mechanics which
> alter the element/group spacings as the lens is focussed to
> maximize optical performance over the entire focus range, unlike
> the 90mm 2.5.

It would seem that Vivitar could improve on an old design from the
1970's, right?  <g>  However, I should point out that, in the VS1
90/2.5 Macro, the "internal "zoom" type mechanics which [also] alter
the element/group spacings as the lens is focused to maximize
optical performance over the entire focus range".  I do have to
admit that I don't know as much about the VS1 105/2.5 Macro's
internal details (although I did own one for a time), and I can't
say whether it does or does not have "a more complex optical
design".  In a sense, the inconvenience of the 90/2.5's 1:1 adapter
might even be considered as an example of its own design complexity
- <g>.

> My 105mm Vivitar has performance sufficient for me to make 16x20
> inch prints from most of a full 35mm frame which compare favorably
> against similar prints made from medium format negatives.

I do have some scans of some macro test shots taken with the VS1
105/2.5 and the VS1 90/2.5 (and the AT-X 90/2.5, and the A 100/2.8,
and the A 100/4, and the A* 200/4, and...].  While I have never
blown any macro shots up to 16x20 (whew!), I have to say that all of
these lenses do perform both really quite well and surprisingly also
quite similarly.  Comparing the prints side-by-side, I can
occasionally find one lens may be just slightly better in one corner
than another lens in that corner, but then I can often find the
situation reversed in another corner (which probably shows more
about my technique than it probably does about anything else - <g>).

In any event, while I've recently put the scans of the VS1 and AT-X
90/2.5 "twins" on-line (with the URL's provided in another thread),
I suppose I should get them all on-line...]


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