Congrats, Glenn!


 internetowy magazyn o fotografii
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, January 26, 2003 7:07 AM
Subject: My Exciting Evening

> When I and the friends mentioned in my previous message went into
> a coffee shop, I noticed local-artist art on the walls with prices
> next to each piece.  So I asked our waitress whom I'd ask about
> getting my photos on their walls, and she said that their art
> director wasn't in, but she'd give him my contact info.
> When she brought our order, she told me the art director had come
> in and was upstairs, so one of my friend and I went to fetch my
> portfolio out of my car a few blocks away (which I'd tossed into
> the car on a random whim), and I asked him to look at it.
> Now I've had "show my portfolio to a gallery or a restaurant"
> on my to-do list for about two years, but I'm _shy_[1].  I'm also
> insecure.
> You see, I know that I've made some photos I can feel proud of,
> and I'm used to hearing my friends tell me in impressed-sounding
> voices that I've got great photos, and I've started getting
> accustomed to strangers and vague acquaintances saying, "Hey,
> these are pretty good!" when I show off my work (but never buying
> anything).  But an art director, or a gallery-owner, or someone
> like that?  Whole different level of ego-issues; whole different
> bundle of stress and insecurities; and complete lack of confidence
> regarding how to _approach_ someone like that (which is where the
> shyness comes in).
> The art director at Xando (31st & Charles, for folks who know
> Baltimore) looked at my photos.  He made the expected noises
> that I interpreted as, "Yeah, that's okay," and "That's nice
> enough," but didn't seem _impressed_ at first.  Then he got
> to a photo that he reacted to by changing his body language.
> (It's one that I consider _pretty_ but kind of cliche -- the
> Baltimore Aquarium on a sunny day.)  Then a few more that
> seemed merely ok, and another that he looked at a little longer
> and said, "That's nice," a few where he asked where they were
> shot, and another that seemed to get a reaction from him ...
> and so on to the end of the binder.
> Then he said, "My first available slot is September."
> I was expecting, "I'll keep you in mind."  No, he was telling
> me my photos would go up in September and asking whether I
> wanted the whole restuarant or only part of it (I opted for
> just downstairs).  He also said that if I wanted to hold a
> reception, that'd be cool.
> #blink#
> *pause*
> >>BOUNCE<<
> Looks like I've got my first public showing lined up several
> months from now!  Big step for me.  The art director said that
> the photographer who has nine photos grouped together downstairs
> now is making a lot of sales; I hope I manage to sell a few this
> Fall.  Now I get to:  drive myself and my friends crazy trying to
> decide which photos to show at what sizes and changing my mind
> every time I start to second-guess my own judgement; come up with
> money to frame enough prints and get a few printed at larger
> sizes than what I've got; and try to figure out how I should
> price my work.
> Advice and pointers from those of you who already know how to
> play the fine-art game Extremely Welcome.  This is water I've
> been trying to work up the nerve to dip my toe into for a long
> time, but it's all unfamiliar territory.  (Now to go dig through
> my archived mail for what folks said when I first said I was
> interested in going in this direction...)
> September.  Looks like a long time from now, but it's probably
> a good thing I have that long to prepare.
> -- Glenn
> [1] Yeah, yeah, I know, I hear it a lot:  "How can somebody with
> the guts to wear a skirt and heels with a beard in public be shy?"
> I am; I just managed to conceptualize that as a Different Matter
> than my shyness -- it doesn't involve _approaching_ people, or
> calling them on the telephone.  In fact, since folks sometimes
> approach me to talk to me because of how I dress, it even helps
> to _compensate_ for my shyness a little.  I talk easily to
> strangers if they start the conversation or if there's a BIG
> conversation-starter to comment on, and I do fine in the spotlight
> (including public-speaking), so most folks think that's the whole
> story and don't see where I have trouble; but I'm not making this
> up -- I really am shy about approaching people.  Less so than a
> dozen years ago, thank God, but it's still a problem.


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