----- Original Message -----
From: "Ed Matthew" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 27, 2003 12:13 AM
Subject: Re: Question about Mamiya 500 DTL and Lenses

> The Mamiya
> >M42 mount cameras had a open aperture metering system which not
only was
> >different than that adopted by Pentax but could cause damage to the
> >exterior
> >of a Pentax camera if they were mounted.
> The above statement applies only to those Mamiya lenses that were
> 'redisgned' for the DSX and MSX series. The lenses originally sold
with the
> 500DTL and 1000DTL were simply single pin stop-down metering lenses.
> was no problem with those. The 500DTL/1000DTL and their
predecessors, the
> 500TL and the 1000TL were capable of stop=down metering only.
> >Also I believe that the Mamiya lenses lacked
> >an auto manual switch which would make their use with a K-M42
adapter good
> >only
> >at maximum aperture unless you wish to preform some custom surgery
on the
> >lens.
> >(I could be mistaken about that last point as I haven't looked at
any of
> >these
> >lenses or cameras in a while).
> >
> You are mistaken. The Mamiya/Sekor lenses as referred to above did
have the
> auto/manual switch.
> Regards,
> Ed Matthew

This Mamiya camera, from around 1970-71 (with a top shutter speed of
1/500s like the designation indicates - there was also a 1/1000s big
brother) also had the neat feature of dual metering systems,
"integral" and spot metering.
You picked one or the other by a switch, and also used the film
advance lever to trigger the metering.
(I never had one, nor handled one - just read about it.)


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