on 28.01.03 15:49, Fred at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> [I assume that you are referring to the Takumar bayonet 135/"2.5",
> and not to the M42 SMC Takumar 135/2.5, which is essentially
> optically the same lens as the SMC K 135/2.5.]
I forgot M42 version, but of course I had K-version on my mind :-)

> I'd say that the SMC K 135/2.5 is a better lens, and I think it is
> worth getting, if you want a really good fairly fast 135.  However,
> the Tak Bayonet 135/"2.5" is not all that bad, considering its
> compromises, and is a good lens for the money (considering how
> cheaply you can sometimes find them).
> To me, the biggest difference is the SMC versus non-SMC coating
> difference, which can be seen in the reflections (or lack thereof)
> in http://www.cetussoft.com/pentax/135252.jpg (the SMC K is to the
> left, while the Tak Bayonet is to the right).
Thanks! Yes, no-SMC could be a problem in sunny portraits. Maybe I would
wait longer and just buy 77/1.8 Ltd? ;-)

Best Regards

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