
I endorse all of ERN's comments.  If you can cope with the P&S
methodology of photography and can live with having little input
to the process other than framing and choice of lighting, it is
at least as good as others in the arena.  Wearing glasses, I
find the veiwfinder no worse than others.  I use mine mainly for
slide film (it is a quite fast lens) and rarely have poor
exposures.  More often, I get wrong focus problems.  Pictures
are "warm" and the lens is adequately sharp.  There is no lens
cap, so you have to remember to keep the glass lens cover clean.

I also had a problem with the remote not working.  Where it
clips to the body is a tiny button, pressed when the remote is
attached.  Once it is removed, the button opens contact and
activates the remote mode in the body.  The button was stuck.  A
few slaps into the palm of my hand (it was under warranty) and
it freed.  It's happened again a few times but it only needs
some carefully applied violence to fix it.

Secondhand in the UK, immaculate examples go for about £70. 
Cameras that were this expensive (£270+) at one point) new seem
to stick at about this price here.  At that price, compared to
(even Pentax's) modern offerings, it is a gift.


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