*g* It wasn't a dysfunctional pentax... I just could't imagine that a 
new bought battery was already empty and dicharged.. the camera was 
fine... you can see the outcome of that trip at 
http://www.xjapan.de/fotopage/fotos.html ^_^
bye Katrin

On 31 Jan 2003 at 7:54, Bruce Rubenstein wrote:

> This is impossible. In 1964 a bill was passed that introduced a new
> Norse God for Pentaxes, and since that time no Pentax has remained in
> a dysfunctional state for more than 19 minutes in Norway. This is
> common knowledge.
> BR
> >I was very happy that my ME takes pictures without battery.. I was on
> >my way to a roundtrip through norway when I realized that the meter
> >doesn't work. It was at a train station and my train was leaving 10
> >minutes later. There was a camera store in the station and I rushed
> >in and bought a new battery.. the person inside seemed to know what
> >he was doing... Later in the train I realised that the meter still
> >wasn't working. I thought that there was something broken. 3 weeks
> >and a lot of rolls later I went to my camera store at home and the
> >man there dicovered that I had bought an empty battery... but a lot
> >of my pictures turned out ok and I was happy that I didn't had to buy
> >a new camera... and I was really happy that I didn't had a "modern"
> >camera with me ^_^ bye Katrin
> >  
> >

Chris' & Katrin's X Japan homepage! Please visit it!
>From now on I will try to live for you and for me.
I will live with love...with dreams...
and forever with tears..    

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