I bought a new color cartridge for my Color 740 last weekend.  I've been
printing a lot this week, trying to figure out why all my prints look
washed-out.  You may recall I was asking about color management.  I've
printed about eight 5X7 photos and a few smaller ones and now the ink's low
again.  Is this normal?  How do you digital darkroom guys afford to print
your photos?  With the price I paid for that cartridge, it works out to
about $3.50 per print.
BTW, I finally got some that look just *OK*.  Certainly, I've not printed
anything I would pay for yet.

I've been printing on Kodak Matte picture paper. Would I be getting markedly
better looking prints on a glossy high-end paper?

If I get a new printer, (~$100-150) should I get another Epson?

Lost in the digital darkroom

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