At 10:28 AM +01002/2/03, Arnold Stark  wrote, or at least typed:
>Hello Doug,
>>I'm not inconsistent. My position has been and will continue to be that politics has 
>no place here on the PDML.
>Would you say the same if we had PDML members in Bagdad? 

I do not keep up with where members live. If a member lives in Bagdad and has 
something to say about Pentax, I welcome that member. If that member insists on making 
this a political forum, we have a problem, just as I do with members from everywhere 
else who want to make this a political forum. This is a Pentax list. There are many 
many places on the Internet where politics have their place. This is not such a place.

>Or if one of those journalists who will be reporting from the upcoming war would be 
>using Pentax >equipment? 

I would welcome reports about how the equipment performs in the field, as it would be 
on-topic. If the journalist begins ranting about the polotics of the war, it would be 
off-topic. This is really not difficult to understand.

>Can questions of life and death really be OT for the PDML family? This war will have 
>effects on all of >us - be it relatives being in combat, more or less terrorism, the 
>international law being rewritten by the >only left world power, or simply fellow 
>men, women and children being killed. The one thing being really >off topic is 
>insulting fellow PDML members - something that has happened in the course of 
>discussions >on Pentax equipment, too. We all must controll our emotions when posting 
>to the PDML. We must respect >each others opinions. If that would be possible I would 
>welcome a PDML discussion on the legitimacy of >the upcoming war as much or more than 
>a discussion about what Pentax short telephoto lenses are the >best.

If we can't discuss Pentax with civility, what makes you think a discussion of war 
would be civil? Again, there are plenty of places on the Net for such discussions. I 
don't go to them and demand that I be allowed to discuss photography. Why should I be 
forced to read about politics here?


Douglas Forrest Brewer
Ashwood Lake Photography

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