I nudged this thread along to make a point.  All of the good Samaritans who think that 
they are helping the members of the PDML with eBay posts may not be helping who you 
think you are.  There are plenty of us watching eBay as part of our collecting hobby 
and waiting to pounce on any bargains.  Last time, I had already passed on the bargain 
that was posted and didn't pounce.  Next time, I may not be so generous or may not 
have two of the items in hand already.  I'll guarantee you that if it is a high value 
item going for less than 50% of street value, I'm gonna be looking at it!

My apologies to JCO.  I used him as an example of what he and I and others are doing 
on eBay.  It is an open market and it is OK to bid, buy and resell.  It's called a 
hobby because you really can't make money at it.  Ultimately, we are in it for the fun 
of the hunt.  Posting the bargain to the PDML spoils that fun.

You can say that a 'needy' photographer may get more fun from a particular lens than a 
collector or a 50/50% photographer/collector.  I think this is a poor arguement, 
because a 'needy' PDML photographer has just as much access to the WEB and eBay as I 
do on my dial-up telephone connection.  My position is, 'If you want bargains, you 
should be willing to go out and work for them!'

After saying all this, I'll make an offer.  If you are one of those 'needy' PDML 
photographers, drop me a line (OFF LIST, OF COURSE) on what one item you are really 
looking for.  If I see one in the next month or so, and can find your return address, 
I'll let you know via PRIVATE EMAIL where it is on eBay.  

Regards,  Bob S.


> ...I BUY and SELL at auction. When I buy for my personal collection
> I bid to win within limits becuase I know the rarity of items from years of
> experience at ebay and other sources. BUT, when I buy only to resell, I never
> bid more than HALF of what I can expect to resell for. How is THAT "lowering
> other's chances" to obtain stuff? If you are too cheap to outbid my lowball
> resell bids, you dont deserve to obtain anything.  As far as selling goes, I
> sell at auction too. I dont put a gun to anybody's head and force them to buy
> from me. I also have to put in LOTS of time and effort to buy and sell stuff.
> And believe me, the meager amount of funds raised is just barely enuff to help
> support my photography and camera collecting hobbies. I certainly couldnt make
> a living doing it... Way to much time invloved and way too little profit in it.
> And yes, I love to collect stuff. Collecting hobbies are fun and interesting
> and it does become a "quest". What in the hell is wrong with that? At least I
> EARN my buy/resell profits and thus some of my collection items..... 

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