> However, it may hurt some brand
> loyal people to realize that their favorite company is doing some, how
> to put it, odd things.
> I suppose that MZ-60 with some FAJ zoom attached is operationally no
> more complicated that any film P&S.

Lots of people like to, or need to, use their cameras as point-and-shoots. I
wrote next Sunday's column about the Bronica RF645 medium-format
rangefinder, and I heard from one fellow who successfully uses that camera
as a p/s. I also know of a very famous photojournalist who claims not to
know all the controls on her Leica SLR...she says she just knows how to set
it so that it works for her, and that's enough.

It's hard for US to believe, but many people just need to take pictures, and
are not interested in the camera equipment or how all the camera controls

Also, it's not really uncommon for companies to react to the market and
provide what the market seems to be interested in. Canon has very cheap
consumer lenses, for instance.

It is to be hoped that Pentax will not move towards making all new lenses
with no aperture ring. But when many dealers are successfully selling
inexpensive SLRs with one or two zooms in preference to actual
point-and-shoots, that's a good thing--and it's smart for Pentax to
encourage its dealers to sell real Pentax lenses as opposed to independent
offerings. More money in Pentax's pockets.


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