
This one's going nowhere.  Somehow, one gets a sense of when a flame war is about
to erupt, and I'm thinking this isn't it...

'Course, I could be wrong.  <g>


Peter Alling wrote:

> Ok but I think you're too late.  I think you'll have fun though, let us see the
> results.
> At 07:24 PM 2/17/2003 -0500, you wrote:
> >Okay... so I take it thats a negative with respect to suggestions
> >pertaining to
> >*photography* and the Okefenokee Swamp. I actually did get an email from a
> >guy
> >who frequents the Swamp and also wrote a book about it (!). So far, it seems
> >like his info should be sufficient for my needs. Thanks anyway guys.
> >
> >       jerome (trying to bring the thread to an end
> >               before it goes further amuck).
> Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend.
>      Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read.  --Groucho Marx

"Honour - that virtue of the unjust!"
-Albert Camus

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