> >Some of us are just poor.  I'd have to take out a
> loan to outfit myself
> >with the kit above.
> Hey, I have to take out a loan just to exist before
> I even get to the 
> point of taking out a loan to cover buying photo
> gear! Messy divorce you 
> see (con't on p. 94)...
> Cotty
 The "kit" I suggested took me five (5) years to
The PZ1p @ $800 right off, the f/2.8 70-200 another 19
months of saving for it, the f/2.8 28-70 saving for 5
months plus a slice of an income tax refund. 
I get it done with YAHOO! DSL!       


Matt Greene

I get it done with YAHOO! DSL!

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