-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: Dan Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
-- Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 1:08 AM
-- Henbit is starting to bloom here, which means
-- Spring is just around the corner.
-- Time to get those lenses cleaned up and shake last year's desiccated
-- mud out of the ground cloth.
-- Dan Scott
Clean the lenses!  They should be clean from all the use you have been
giving it:')  Cannot think of a reason not to be out shooting, unless I
myself am uncomfortable.  I took some shots of a parade in the French
Quarter in New Orleans about two weeks ago.  It was raining.  So my camera
is clean.  Just wiped it off with a cloth.  Fortunately I had a change of
clothing in the car since I came out fairly soaked from that experience.
Curious to see how relying on the MZ-S's AF and meter did in that
environment.  I was shooting the FA* 24/2.

Panama City, Florida
in Baltimore, Maryland

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